The preferred location for end-of-life care


What preferences do children in PPC and their families or carers have about where they receive care?


  1. It is proposed that the practitioner discusses with the child or adolescent and the family their preferences about the place of care and the place of death, taking into account their cultural, spiritual, and religious values.
  2. Care should be provided in the location preferred by the child and family, as long as this is appropriate to their care needs and the availability of services in their area.
  3. Wherever possible, paediatric palliative care should be provided in the child’s own home, 24 hours a day, as this is the place of care most often preferred by the child or adolescent and their family.
  4. Patients and their families must be able to change their place of care at any time, and there must be adequate coordination between the different levels of care. This option should be communicated to them from the outset.
  5. The patient’s and family’s preferences for the place of care should be recorded in the medical record and made available to the professionals involved in the patient’s care.



The evidence is scarce and of low quality; however, it is important to note that there is consistency across studies regarding preference for place of care. Patients and families feel most comfortable and safe in their own homes, where they believe they can maintain as normal a life as possible. Above all, the CDG recognizes the importance of respecting the wishes of the patient and family in paediatric palliative care and this is reflected in the recommendations.

Complete clinical question

Full information on this question (available in Spanish), see:


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