No indicar el estudio de factores de riesgo genético de demencia (como Genotipo APOE) con fines de asesoramiento genético en el sujeto asintomático.
Áreas Clínicas: Geriatría
Áreas Temáticas: Demencia
Más información:

Alzheimer´s disease genetics fact sheet. Baltimore (MD): National Institute on Aging; 2011 Jun 8 Report Nº 11-6424.

American College of Medical Genetics, America Society of Human Genetics. Statement on the use of apolipoprotein E testing for Alzheimer disease. American College of Medical Genetics/ American Society of Human Genetics Working Group on ApoE and Alzheimer disease. JAMA 1995;274(20):1627-9.

Goldman JS, Hahn SE, Catania JW, LaRusse-Eckert S, Butson MB, Rumbaugh M, Strecker MN, Roberts JS, Burke W, Mayeaux R, Bird T. American College of Medical Genetics and the National Society of Genetic Counselors. Genetic Couseling and testing for Alzheimer disease: Joint Practice guidelines of the American College of Medical Genetics and National Society of Genetic Counselors. Genet Med 2011;13(6):597-605.

Hickey SE, Curry CJ, Toriello HV. ACMG Practice Guideline: Lack of evidence for MTHFR polymorphism testing. Genetics in Medicine 2013;15(2):153-6.